
Services and Packages
At Edvice Ann Arbor, we offer comprehensive packages and single stand-alone services. We are proud to use CounselMore as our full-service college search tool.
Initial Consultation Call
Our initial 60-minute meeting is always free of charge and includes an assessment of the student's academic credentials and a discussion of the current admissions landscape and how that impacts the student's application.
Organization and Strategy
Applying to college is more than a one-time experience. The tools we share allow the applicant to stay on track through the college application process and beyond.
Standardized Testing and Testing Trajectory
Some students are superb test takers, others less so, and most fall someplace in the middle. Each student will take a free practice SA and/or ACT through our partnership with Compass Education Group. We then compare you're scores and testing experience and determine which test best suits you and your learning style. We will also explore test-optional colleges.
The Activity List
Your experiences outside the classroom will constitute a vital element of your college applications. The jobs you've had, the clubs and athletic teams you've joined, and the volunteer experiences you've had all help colleges see who you are. Having at least three years of curated activities best represents your interests and curiosity. We will assist you in finding these experiences.
College Visits and Interviews
The act of visiting colleges is more than just tagging along on a walking tour. We will help you plan and prepare for your college visits and share strategies for remembering the personality of each school visited. We will provide tested strategies for interviewing on campus or with an alumni/ae interviewer.
Building the College List
This part of the process is so much fun. We will encourage you to think both broadly and in targeted ways about your college needs and wants. Together, we will build the initial college list of schools that fit your academic, personal, and financial needs. Finally, we will whittle that list down to the 8 - 12 colleges you will apply to.
An effective personal statement is a crucial element of your application. We will work closely with you to brainstorm and construct your essay. We will support you as you write supplemental essays as well. We will help you find your voice and share who you are so that admission deans understand what your presence will bring to campus.
Financing College
Paying for a college education can be a challenging proposition, and it is never too early to start planning for this major expense. If you let us know that you are applying for need-based financial aid or hoping for merit aid, we will guide you through the financial aid application components, the FAFSA and the CSS Profile, and share scholarship search tools.
Our packages include all of the above and begin in 9th grade.
Grades 9 - 12
Starting our partnership together during your student's 9th grade allows for early strategic planning for all aspects of the college admission process.
Grades 10 - 12
This package focuses on the processes of self-reflection, exploring potential interests and majors, building the activity grid, and intentional summer planning.
Grades 11 - 12
This package focuses on the nitty-gritty of applying to college - working on the Common Application, refining the activity grid, requesting letters of recommendation, brainstorming essays, essay draft editing, and scholarship search and support.
Grade 12 - Comprehensive
This package focuses on completing all components of the college application for the senior year. We will complete the Common Application, work on essay composition and edits.
Grade 12 - Last Minute Rush
This is an hourly package for those seniors who realize that they need an expert set of eyes to review their applications.